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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - January 2025

100 reports:

MBNA 15th June 2009
MBNA Privacy Commitment - Preventing Fraud!

"MBNA Europe Bank Limited Internet Banking, is hereby
announcing the New SSL Invention.

Cahoot Bank 15th June 2009
Reminder Message - Must Read

"Cahoot Bank is advising all it's Customers to update
their online banking details This is due to the new
financial security services Authority (FSA) Directive
Unable to Verify Your Account kindly update your
information by following the link below, Please
Click Here to start the Verification Process.

HSBC 15th June 2009
Online Security Update Notification

"This Email has been sent to all HSBC Bank Customers,
Failure to follow the Enrollment process properly will
result in account suspension for security reasons
Log In into your account to resolve the problem.

Cahoot Bank 15th June 2009
Your Bank Account Status

"please click 'continue' to proceed"

Halifax Bank 15th June 2009
Halifax Bank Plc Alert : Notification of Irregular
Account Activity

"We detected irregular activity on your Halifax Bank
Account on 6/10/2009.

Abbey 16th June 2009
You Have One Unread Message From Abbey Online Credit

"We recently upgraded our Online Banking security system
with a newly established security server in which
guarantee's your maximum protection when accessing your
account online.

Egg 16th June 2009
Message Alert : You Have 1 Important Security
Notification (Secure)

"Customer Service Center :"

Abbey 16th June 2009
IMPORTANT UPDATE - Activate Your Abbey OnLine Access

"Thank you for confirming your email address."

Halifax Bank 16th June 2009
Your Account Has Been Blocked. Restore Your Online
Account Access Now

"There are a number of invalid login attempts on your

Cahoot Bank 16th June 2009
Security Update

"This is an important Cahoot Bank security update"

Cahoot Bank 16th June 2009
Important Security Notice

"Technical services at Cahoot bank is carrying out a
software upgrade for maximum user convenience of the
Cahoot online accounts.

Alliance and Leicester 17th June 2009
Online - Customer Service Message

"Your access to our ALLIANCE and LEICESTER Internet
Banking has been temporarily disabled due to multiple
login errors.

Egg Bank 17th June 2009
Verification Process On Your Egg account (Egg Savings)

"We are necessitating a verification process on your
account(s) (Egg Savings),as an added measure to
ensuring adequate security on your online access.

Lloyds 17th June 2009
Account Activities

"We have noticed several login attempts into your
account from an unknown IP.!

Abbey 17th June 2009
Your Account Session is Currently Unavailable:-

"Your Account Session is Currently Unavailable:-"

Egg Bank 17th June 2009
Egg Money Manager Update Notification.

"Due to Various Invalid Attempt to login to Your

NatWest Bank 17th June 2009
Account Service

"Your Account Update!"

Abbey 18th June 2009
Abbey Online Banking - Urgent Action Needed

"You are receiving this message due to multiple logon
errors on your account, therefore online access has
been suspended temporarily pending confirmation of your

Chase 18th June 2009
important notice from Chase Bank

"Note: This is a service message regarding the Chase
Customer Form.

Abbey 18th June 2009
Abbey Alert : Your online account has been suspended.

"Although your account has been suspended in May data
will be available for a maximum of 15 days.

Abbey 18th June 2009
Account Access Denied

"To help us verify the activity on your account, we'll
complete our checks and contact you within the next
24 hours (between 9am to 8pm).

Natwest Bank 18th June 2009
Update Your Online Accounts

"NatWest Security Center Advisory!"

Egg 18th June 2009
Egg Money Manager Update Alert

"Some errors are detected on your online banking data."

Lloyds TSB 19th June 2009
(no subject)

"We have been receiving complaints from customers about
unauthorised use of accounts.

PayPal 19th June 2009

"We regret to inform you that access to your account has
been nbsp;temporarily limited.

Halifax 19th June 2009
Account access suspended

"In accordance with the Financial Services Authority
(FSA) regulations, Halifax Bank Plc is adding an
additional layer of security to protect the privacy of
Online Banking.

Halifax Bank 19th June 2009
Account Message

"We were unable to verify your account information
during our regular database You'll see a number of
initiatives that we'll put in place to make sure you
stay secure and to help you protect your Internet
banking information.

HSBC 19th June 2009
Updating your information

"HSBC UK has been receiving complaints from our
customers for unauthorised use of the HSBC UK Online

HSBC Bank 19th June 2009
Internet banking access has been suspended

"Your information for your account has recently been

Abbey 20th June 2009
Online Access Suspended.

"For security reasons your access to internet banking
has been suspended .

Egg Bank 20th June 2009
Online Security Alerts.

"Logon On"

Bank Of America 20th June 2009
Your account is locked

"Your account is temporarily unavailable/locked"

Credit Union Australia 20th June 2009
Different computers have logged on to your CUA Web
Banker account

"We recently have determined that different computers
have logged on to your CUA Web Banker account, and
multiple password failures were present before the

Abbey 20th June 2009
Service Availability - Updated 18th June '09

"Please Upgrade Your Information"

Abbey 20th June 2009
Restore Your Online Access

"To update your Abbey records Logon To Online Banking"

Cahoot Bank 21st June 2009
Insure The Safety And Integrity For Your Account

"Dear valued Cahoot member:"

Abbey Bank 21st June 2009
Account Update Notification

"In order to make your online banking experience even
more secure we have introduced a new security feature
that allows us to detect unusual activity on your

BT 21st June 2009
Information btinternet uk online

"During our regular update and verification of your
billing information, we could not verify your current

Wells Fargo Bank 21st June 2009
Wells Fargo: Account Locked!

"Due to the number of incorrect login attempts, your
Wells Fargo Account has been locked for your security.

Cahoot 21st June 2009
Message Center - Service Update Needed

"To ensure your protection, we've now blocked access to
your accounts.

Halifax Bank 21st June 2009
Upgrade Alert (Protect Your Halifax Bank Account )

"In order to ensure you are properly updated and your
account is fully protected, you will be required to
Login to your account and Complete necessary forms
requested, to login to your account kindly click on the
" Protect Me Now:

Alliance and Leicester 22nd June 2009
Alliance and Leicester unable to verify your account


HSBC Bank 22nd June 2009
HSBC Bank UK - Online Banking : Message Alert!

"Status :"

Abbey Bank 22nd June 2009
Abbey Bank Alert: Account Upgrade Notification

"We detected irregular activity on your Abbey Bank
Account on 6/21/2009.

Egg Bank 22nd June 2009
Egg Bank New Security: Online Aceess Account Update

"Sorry for the inconveniences, we are having some
technical problem with our previous database and right
now we are on the verge to make some changes, and that
will include our recent security software which detects
unauthorized users, and it’s will take us some time,
because we just couldn’t locate some of your security
details that gives you full access to log into your
account successfully.

Abbey 22nd June 2009
Update Message

"In accordance with Financial Services Authority (FSA)
regulations, Abbey National Bank plc is adding an
additional layer of security to protect the privacy of
Online Banking.

Alliance and leicester 22nd June 2009
Update Message

"Your access to Online Services has been suspended."

Abbey 23rd June 2009
*** IMPORTANT *** Ensure The Safety Of Your Online
Banking Account

"This is an important message from the Abbey National
Security Centre and has been issued due to a recent
upgrade of our secure servers.

Hsbc Bank 23rd June 2009
Important Notification! Account Overdraft Limit

"You have 2 new important message."

HSBC Bank 23rd June 2009
Important information

"As a result, we need you to visit our online service
site by following the reference given below and provide
your urgent phone number where you can be reached
anytime during the day.

Amazon 23rd June 2009 Marketplace Item Cancelled

"Per your request, your listings for the following items
in the Amazon Marketplace have been cancelled.

Abbey 23rd June 2009
An attempt to access your Abbey Online Banking was

"An attempt to access your Abbey Online Banking was
denied on:

Hsbc Bank 23rd June 2009
Important Notice

"Hsbc Online Banking Security Center"

Halifax 24th June 2009
Access Suspended

"Your access to Online Banking Service has been

Egg Bank 24th June 2009
Egg :: Confirm your personal details

"This is an important message from the Egg Security
Centre and has been issued due to a recent essential
maintenance on our site.

Bank of America 24th June 2009
Important Notification Regarding your Bank of America
Online Banking Account

"To confirm your Online Banking account records click on
the link below:

Federal Credit Union 24th June 2009
Credit Union / Federal C U Notification.

"In return we will credit $100.00 to your account,
just for your time!

Halifax 24th June 2009
Important Notification! Account Overdraft Limit

"Halifax is committed to protecting you, with the latest
technology to keep your details secure.

Discover Bank 24th June 2009
Notification from Discover Bank

"During our regualry scheduled accounts maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error regarding your Discover Bank Online Account.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia 25th June 2009
You have one message alert

"You have 1 new message !"

Halifax 25th June 2009
Thank you for using our service

"However, failure to update your records will result in
account suspension The information contained in this
e-mail is confidential and may be subject to legal

Barclays Bank 25th June 2009
Please Verify Your Online Banking Profile

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that
your Barclays Banking account may have been accessed by
an unauthorized third party.

Cahoot Bank 25th June 2009
Security Update

"As your web security is of utmost importance to cahoot
we have assigned a 24 hour security watch on your

Alliance and Leicester Bank 25th June 2009
SECURITY NOTIFICATION - Avoid Phishing Attacks!

"Online Security Services:"

MasterCard 25th June 2009
Survey !

"Help us improve our services by taking a quick survey."

HSBC Bank 26th June 2009
Confirm your Online Banking details.

"Hsbc Bank has been receiving complaints from our
customers for unauthorized use of the Hsbc Online
Banking accounts.

PayPal 26th June 2009
Your account access has been limited

"We recently reviewed your credit card and it seems that
you are using the same credit card for 2 accounts.

PayPal 26th June 2009
Please Restore You Account Access

"Security Measures"

Cahoot Bank 26th June 2009
Cahoot Alert:- Online Account Locked due to a

"Unlocked here"

Australian Taxation Office 26th June 2009
The Cut Off Taxes Program

"The Cut Off Taxes Program"

Abbey 26th June 2009
FRAUD ALERT - Avoid Phishing Attacks!

"Log In into your account and View Our New Online
Security Modifications.

Cahoot 27th June 2009
27 June 2009 customer message Information about your
cahoot account

"Account Status Notification"

PayPal 27th June 2009
Your account has been accessed from an unauthorized

"We recently reviewed your account, and we are
suspecting that your PayPal account may have been
accessed from an unauthorized computer.

HSBC Bank 27th June 2009
Verify Your Account :-

"To ensure your protection, we've now blocked access to
your accounts.

cahoot 27th June 2009
Cahoot Online Autorization

"Due to the high number of fraud attempts and phishing
scams, it has been decided to implement EV SSL
Certification on this Internet Banking website.

HM Revenue and Customs 27th June 2009
Tax Refund Notification

"Tax Refund Notification"

United Kingdom Banking 27th June 2009
Online Banking Security Update Notification .

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of your
bank account we have issued this warning message.

Halifax 27th June 2009
Important Notification! Account Overdraft Limit

Dear Valuable Customer ,

Your online security is our first priority. We work
hard to help you stay safe online.

Halifax is committed to protecting you, with the latest
technology to keep your details secure. Hence, we are
improvements to the online service to make your online
banking experience even better and fraud free!

We are contacting you because your account limit was
overdrawn by 4132.98.

In accordance with our Online Banking User Agreement

HSBC 27th June 2009
Please Update Your HSBC Account

"New Page 1

Dear Valued Customer As a bank we are used to
thinking about security. At HSBC, we use industry
standard security
technology and practices, focusing on three key areas –
privacy, technology and identification to safeguard
your account
from any unauthorised access. This helps us detect and
Prevent fraud and reassure you that your personal and
information, as well as your money is as safe online as
it is at home, at the branch or over the phone. We

Halifax 27th June 2009
Your Halifax account details have now been updated

Dear customer,

Thank you for confirming your telephone contact

If you have made any amendments to your contact details
these have now been updated.

Please note that if you hold any joint accounts, only
your details will be updated.

This confirmation email has been sent as a security

If you did not make this number change/confirmation,
please visit the webpage below,
phone lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Cahoot 27th June 2009
system message : Account Alert


You have an important security message from Cahoot
Bank .Please read it .

Log in

Yours sincerely,
Online Customer Service


Egg 27th June 2009
You Have One New Message From Egg Bank Plc



HSBC 27th June 2009
HSBC Internet Banking Revise

"Security center


Dear HSBC Customer,

During our regular update and verification of the HSBC
Check ®, we could not verify your current information.
your information has been changed or incomplete. As a
result your access to use our services has been
limited. Please
log on to your HSBC account now to rectify this issue.


HSBC 27th June 2009
Update your account to the new EV SSL certification



Credit Union 27th June 2009
Credit Union, Federal C U Notification.

Dear Federal Credit Union Credit Union Client, You
have been chosen by the National Credit Union
Administration Unions
to take part in our quick and easy 5 question survey.
In return we will credit $100.00 to your account, just
for your
time! With the information collected we can decide to
direct a number of changes to improve and expand the
services. The information you provide us is all
non-sensitive and anonymous. We kindly ask you to spare
two minutes of
your time in ...

Microsoft 27th June 2009
Update Your Bank Account


Watani Online is pleased to notify our online banking
customers that
we have successfully upgraded to a more secure and
SSL servers to serve our esteemed customers for a
better and
more efficent banking services in the year 2009.
Due to this recent upgrade you are requested to update
account information by following the reference below.
using our
new secure and safe SSL servers. To validate your
online banki...

PayPal 27th June 2009
Security measures: Your account access has been limited



PayPal is constantly working to ensure security by
regularly screening the accounts in our system. We
reviewed your account, and we need more information to
help us provide you with secure service. Until we can
this information, your access to sensitive account
features will be limited. We would like to restore your
access as
soon as possible, and we apologize for the

Why is my...

HSBC 27th June 2009
New HSBC Online Banking Transactions Safety



Dear Valued Customer,



As a bank we are used to thinking about security. The
growth of the internet has offered greater flexibility
for us
all, but it also brings new risks that must be guarded
against fraud. At HSBC, we use industry standard
technology and practices, focusing on three key areas :
privacy, technology and iden...

National 27th June 2009
Abbey Account Re-Activation

"New Page 1


YOU HAVE RECEIVED 1 new message from Abbey National

Best Regards.
Abbey National Online Team.

* Please do not reply to this email as your reply will
not be received.

Issued for UK use only | © Abbey National plc 2002 -


Alliance 27th June 2009

This is to inform you that your Alliance outline-style:
none; outline-color: initial; "> Secure Messages Center

To access your Alliance outline-style: none;
outline-color: initial; "> personalized Secure Messages
Center, click on
the link below:

Click here to update your account

Account Reference: (0x3d.0x38.0x4e.0xcf)

Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not
monitored and you will not receive a response. For

HSBC 27th June 2009
Account Update Notification

Dear Valued HSBC Customer,
Financial institutions around the world have always
been subject to attempts
by criminals to try and defraud money from them and
their customers. These
attempts can occur in a number of ways (e.g. credit
card fraud,
telephone banking or Internet scams).

As a part of our ongoing commitment to provide the
"Best Possible" service
and Protection to all our Members in year "2009", we
are now requiring each
member to validate their accounts using...

Microsoft 27th June 2009
Account Suspension Notice...

Your account access have been blocked.

To ensure your protection, we have now blocked access
to your accounts.

You have to verify your security details in order to
reactivate your account access online

To verify your security details please follow the
reference below


Lloyds 27th June 2009
Your online accounts

Dear Customer,

To ensure your protection, we've now blocked access to
your accounts. You now need to verify your access

In order to help us reset your security quickly and
safely, we may ask you some additional questions about
accounts.This will only take a few moments. Thank you.

Verify Your Account

Thank you,
Lloyds TSB


eBay 27th June 2009
eBay Bid Change Notice - Item


eBay Bid Change Notice - Item

Dear eBay Community Member,
A previously entered bid on the item (120425671233)
has been retracted or cancelled. You can view the
retraction/cancellation and the reason provided by
selecting the (bid history) link from the individual
item page. As a
result of this retraction/cancellation, there is a
possibility that the high bid amount and the current
high bidder have
changed. You can always view the current status of any

Abbey 27th June 2009


In order to make your online experience even more
secure we have introduced a new security feature that
allows us to
detect unusual activity on your online account. If we
detect unusual activity, we will call you to make sure
that it's
really you.

As a result, we need you to visit our online service
site by following the reference given below and provide
urgent phone number where you can be reached anytime
during the day.

* FOR BAN...

Egg 27th June 2009
Vaidate Your Account


Security Message Validate Your Account Information!

Click here to validate

Egg Bank Security Department Team.


Abbey 27th June 2009
FRAUD ALERT - Avoid ing Attacks!


You have 1 new Security Message Alert!

Log In into your account and View Our New Online
Security Modifications.



Abbey National plc. Registered Office: Abbey National
House, 2 Triton Square, Regent's Place, London, NW1
3AN, United
Kingdom. Registered Number 2294747. Registered in
England. Telephone 0870 607 6000. Calls may be recorded
or monitored.
Authorised ...

HSBC 27th June 2009
HSBC Bank: Online Security Message!



You Have One new security message from HSBC Bank
regarding your contact details

Log on

Yours sincerely,
Online Customer Service


Abbey 27th June 2009
Abbey National plc - Message Update :-


Dear Valued Customer,

At Abbey Online Banking, SECURITY is our utmost
IMPORTANCE. So that you can bank in CONFIDENCE, we
employ the latest
technology to keep your personal details safe. So rest
assured that as long as you follow the precautions,
you'll never
have to pay for any banking activity that you haven't
authorised. We undergo periodic reviews of our security
and procedures to ensure that Abbey systems are secure
and PROT...

Abbey 27th June 2009
Abbey Internet Banking Alert : Account Status

