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At we have the internet's biggest archive of spoof email and phishing scams from the last few years. Here you will find a selection of the most popular scams we have encountered.

We are currently storing ALL scam reports with our HoneyTrap database which is now available for commercial license. We currently hold 2856841 scams in this database. Click here for information on the database.

Please note the most recent scams are listed on the home page. It is also recommended you search for a specific scam, rather than trawling through the archives!

Note: This site has been recently redesigned, so a lot of our older reports are in a different format to our current recent ones.

ARCHIVE: March 2005 - January 2025

100 reports:

Nationwide Bank 19th February 2008
Nationwide Bank account Security Verification needed
(Feb 17, 2008 11:02)


Bank of America 19th February 2008
Online Banking Alert:Update Your Account Information.

"Update Your Account Information"

Abbey 19th February 2008
Confirm Your Pending Transfer

"There is a pending transfer from Barclays Bank into
your Bank Account.

Flagstar Bank 19th February 2008
You have 1 new ALERT message

"Please renew your Flagstar Bank Your Internet Banking
Account is currently locked.

eBay 20th February 2008
Action Required -- Account Verification

"This is a courtesy reminder that your eBay account
needs to be verified:

NatWest Bank 20th February 2008
NatWest Bank Direct and Digital Banking: Authorize Your
Account Password

"Our Maintenance Unit is doing a scheduled Digital
Banking Service upgrade

NatWest 20th February 2008
New Security Notification (Message ID: VN64071072564H)

"Financial institutions are frequent targets of

Lloyds TSB Bank 20th February 2008
Internet Banking Precaution Against Unauthorized

"Lloyds TSB Bank takes significant steps to protect the
security and privacy of your information online.

Natwest 20th February 2008
National Westminster Bank UK Strongly Recommends
ref: 9982

"Our Maintenance Unit is running a scheduled On-line
Banking software update

Bank of America 20th February 2008
Bank of America Unauthorized Account(s) Access (Secure
Code: UB05-C0B1-A-1)

"Verification of your current details."

Careerbuilder 21st February 2008
Online Access Agreement Update

"Due to a recent security breach in the Careerbuilder
computer system, a new set of terms and conditions has
been issued.

Citibank 21st February 2008
Security Alert: 95139

"This is a Security Alert you requested to help you
protect your account.

Natwest 21st February 2008
Security Notice

"To confirm your identity and avoid limitations to your
online banking access please click on the button below.

Lloyds TSB Bank 21st February 2008
Lloyds TSB Bank : Unauthorized Account Access

"Lloyds TSB Online Banking Alert"

Chase 21st February 2008
ChaseŠ Online

"Dear Chase Online® Customer:"

NuMark Credit Union 21st February 2008
NuMark Credit Union temporarily suspended your account.

"NuMark Credit Union temporarily suspended your account."

Halifax Bank 22nd February 2008
Internet Banking Update

"We have made these changes to ensure only you have
access and use your Halifax Account's.

Bank of America 22nd February 2008
Bank of America N.A. Commercial: Confirm Your Account

"Dear Bank of America Inc. Corporate client!"

AOL 22nd February 2008
AOL Notification: Declined Transaction

"Declined Transaction"

Wachovia Bank 22nd February 2008
Important Message From Wachovia Security Plus®.

"We recently noticed several unsuccessful login attempts
into your Bank account, and multiple password failures
were present before the logons.

Abbey 22nd February 2008
Abbey National Bank *Additional Security Measures*

"Abbey National Bank Additional Security Measures:"

eBay 22nd February 2008
Accept Your 5 Feedback Comments

"eBay sent this message to customers."

RBS 23rd February 2008
Online Access Suspended

"Your access to Online Services has been suspended due
to a mis-match of access code between your Security

Natwest Bank 23rd February 2008
Natwest Bank UK Customer Notice: Instructions For

"Dear NatWest Bank Direct Banking customer!"

Regions Bank 23rd February 2008
Online Banking Notice

"It has come to our attention that your RegionsNet®
Online Banking profile needs to be updated as part of
our continuous effort in protecting your account and
reducing instances of fraud on our website

Capital One 23rd February 2008
Your Internet Banking

"This e-mail was sent to you because we have detected an
error in your billing information on file with Internet
Banking during our regular schedule account maintenance
and verification.

Halifax Bank 23rd February 2008
Online Service User Notification

"At Halifax, we believe it's important to keep up to
date with the latest security.

Natwest 23rd February 2008
Online Service Access: Fraud Notification V1.7

"Business and Personal Account"

NatWest Bank 24th February 2008
NatWest Bank Plc User Email: Account Update

"Dear Natwest Bank On-line Banking client!"

NatWest 24th February 2008
Natwest Bank Direct and Digital Banking: Urgent
Security Email

"Our Maintenance Division is doing an arranged Internet
Banking software upgrade

Royal Bank of Canada 24th February 2008
Royal Bank Security Alert: Re-Confirm Your Banking

"For your protection, RBC Royal Bank automatically
alerts customers when personal information changes on
our systems.

Wells Fargo 24th February 2008
Important Online Banking Alert

"Your account has been enlisted for update; as part of
our security measure towards protecting your Online
Banking activities.

NatWest 24th February 2008
Security Alert: Your NatWest Online Bank Account Has
Been Disabled.

"Security Alert: Your NatWest Online Bank Account Has
Been Disabled.

Abbey 24th February 2008
Security Update

"Due to the recent general error in our server that
results in loss of some vital data in our servers Abbey
National requires each and everyone of our customer to
please verify there account information by click on the
Login button below

PayPal 25th February 2008
Account Review. Credit Union Team identified some
unusual activity in your Accont!!

"It has come to our attention that your PayPal account
information needs to be updated.

Citibank 25th February 2008
Citibank scheduled account maintenance and verification
procedures 02/22/2008

"During our regularly scheduled account maintenance and
verification procedures,we were unable to verify your
account information.

RBS 25th February 2008
Security Notification.

"Due to database operations error,some online banking
accounts can be lost.

Lloyds TSB Bank 25th February 2008
LloydsTsb Notice: Temporary Restriction Of Your Online

"Lloyds TSB Bank plc has been receiving complaints from
our customers for unauthorised use of the Lloyds Online

ePassporte 25th February 2008
Internal Notification

"This email is to inform you of a transfer of 120$ from
you account to ePassporte card member egyhat2007.

Halifax 25th February 2008
Online Banking Status

"As of today the 24th of February 2008, we completed a
scheduled maintenance process on our Online Banking

NatWest Bank 26th February 2008
NatWest OnLine Banking Account Profile Update

"For your security, we are sending this email to confirm
changes made to your contact information in the Account
User Profile.

RBS 26th February 2008
Online Access Suspended

"We're making some exciting changes that will make your
online banking experience even better, We therefore
request you to verify your location.

Wachovia 26th February 2008
Security Measures

"As part of our security measures, we regularly screen
activity in the Wachovia Bank system.

TCF Bank 26th February 2008
Fraudulent Activities Detected on Your Account

"TCF Bank Online Banking Security Team is carrying out a
fraud prevention exercise on all accounts to reduce
and prevent Fraud on our online Banking system .

Sooper Credit Union 26th February 2008
Important Notice

"Sooper C.U. temporarily suspended your account."

Abbey 26th February 2008
Online Service Access: V8.00.28901.

"Online Service Access: V8.00.28900."

RBS 27th February 2008
N.B : Online Bank Account Is About To Expire

"The Royal Bank Of Scotland"

Nationwide 27th February 2008
Additional Security Question...

"Additional Security Questions"

Royal Bank of Canada 27th February 2008
Your Online Banking

"This e-mail was sent to you because we have detected an
error in your billing information on file with Internet
Banking during our regular schedule account maintenance
and verification.

First Community Bank 27th February 2008
We need to verify your information

"During our regular update and verification on the
accounts, we couldn't verify your current information
linked to your bank account.

RBC Royal Bank 27th February 2008
REF# 3123 Important Information on Your Account

"We recently reviewed your account, and we suspect an
unauthorized ATM based transaction.

HSBC Bank 27th February 2008
Urgent : Update Your Online Account

"Your access to Online Services has been deactivated due
to a mis-match of access code between your Security

RBS 28th February 2008
Account Precaution.

"Royal Bank of Scotland Protection Center:"

Abbey 28th February 2008
Important Information Regarding Your Account

"Respected Customer"

Bank of Lancaster County 28th February 2008
Important Information

"Due to the recent phishing attacks targeting Bank of
Lancaster County we are currently launching a new
security system that will improve the level of member
service we can provide to you.

Nationwide 28th February 2008
Account Security Questions And Answer.

"To help our customers stay safe online, we've
introduced some additional security measures.

Natwest Bank 28th February 2008
Notice Alert Your Natwest Account Has Been Suspend

"In our bid to secure all our customer's Account against
online fraud which has threatened to consume our
online banking services

Fifth Third Bank 28th February 2008
Fifth Third Bank: confirmation required

"Completing the form is mandatory and must be done as
soon as possible.

NatWest Bank 29th February 2008
Customer Service Message

"Due to concerns, for the safety and integrity of the
NatWest account we have issued this warning message.

HSBC Bank 29th February 2008
HSBC Bank Alert : Potential Security Breach has been
suspected On Your Account

"Dear valued HSBC® member:"

Halifax 29th February 2008
Regarding Your Online Banking

"Verify Account"

Nationwide Bank 29th February 2008
Nationwide Bank:Upgrade Your Online Banking

"Enhanced Security"

Zions Bank 29th February 2008
Online Access Suspended

"Your access to your online Services has been
temporarily suspended due to miss-match in access codes
between your online access details..

Bank of Lancaster County 29th February 2008
Important Notifications !

"Bank of Lancaster County and Internet Banking will be
closed on Saturday, March 1th and Monday, March 3th
during the Memorial Day Holiday weekend for a scheduled
computer upgrade.

Abbey 1st March 2008
Dear Valuable Customer

"Identity theft and account fraud are serious issues."

PayPal 1st March 2008
Customer Service: Notification

"We would like to inform you that your PayPal account
has been deactivated due to inactivity.

WAMU 1st March 2008
Security Notification

"If you recently accessed your account while traveling,
the log in attempts may have initiated by you.

HSBC 1st March 2008
Your account has been compromised

"You have received this email because we have strong
reason to believe that your account had been recently

Bank Of America 1st March 2008
Scheduled accounts maintenance and verification.

"During our regualry scheduled accounts maintenance and
verification procedures, we have detected a slight
error regarding your account.

Abbey Bank 1st March 2008
Abbey Online Banking Accoumt Review

"During our regularly scheduled account verification
procedures, we have detected a slight error in your

Abbey 2nd March 2008
Unsuccessful Sign-In Attempt

"Abbey National Unsuccessful Sign-In Attempt"

eBay 2nd March 2008
You've received a question about your eBay item

"Question from redsticksales"

Halifax Bank 2nd March 2008
Security Account Upgrade

"Business and Personal Accounts."

Halifax Bank 2nd March 2008
You have one new message

"A recent updates in our billing server ( Due to
slightly problem )

Citibank 2nd March 2008
Online form released. [message id: UJ5654067232671]

"CitiBusiness new Scheduled Maintenance Program protects
your data from unauthorized access.

eBay 2nd March 2008
NOTICE: eBay Registration Suspension : NonPayment

"NOTICE: eBay Registration Suspension : NonPayment"

Citibank 3rd March 2008
cofirm your details with CitiBusiness!

"CitiBusiness Online Form"

Bank of Scotland 3rd March 2008
Security Notification: Observe Multiple Error Logins
from your Customer ID

"Unauthorized Access Notification"

Halifax 3rd March 2008
Unauthorized Access.

"Please take a moment to verify the following

HSBC 3rd March 2008
Your Eletronic Banking Security Notification

"We're committed to providing a secure banking
experience, that's why we created the HSBC Internet

NatWest Bank 3rd March 2008
Your Online Access has been Suspended

"Recently, we notified you to protect your online
banking by migrating to the secure part of our banking
system but we did not receive any response from you.

eBay 3rd March 2008
You've received a question about your eBay item

"Question from"

Moneybookers 4th March 2008
Personal Information Error - immediate response

"Security Measures"

Abbey 4th March 2008
Abbey Case - Unauthorised Overdraft Charges

"Test case - Unauthorised Overdraft Charges - Update"

Halifax Bank 4th March 2008
Halifax Bank Plc : Unauthorised Attempt Notice

"Due to several failed attempts to access to your
account , we temporary deactivated your online-access
for your account for security reasons.

eBay 4th March 2008
You have 1 new Message

"You have 1 new Message."

eBay 4th March 2008
FPA NOTICE: eBay Account Suspension

"eBay sent this notification to identificaiton number:"

eBay 4th March 2008
You have received a question about eBay item Brand new
SONY PSP with 2 Years Warranty


eBay 5th March 2008
You've received a question about your eBay item

"eBay member ipickforyou has left you a message
regarding item #230228524632

Lloyds TSB 5th March 2008
Lloyds TSB Account Status Notification Alert

"Due to multiple login attempt error while login in to
your online Lloyds TSB Account, We believe that someone
other than you is trying to access your account

Lloyds TSB Bank 5th March 2008
enhanced online security measures.

"Lloyds TSB Customer Service requests you to complete
Internet/Telephone Banking Online Form.

eBay 5th March 2008
Message from eBay Member Regarding Item #200191633892

"Question from duckpilot"

PayPal 5th March 2008
Your account access is limited. Remove this limitation.

"We recently reviewed your account, and suspect that
your PayPal Inc. account may have been accessed by an
unauthorized third-party.

Peoples Trust Credit Union 5th March 2008
Warning! Your Account Has Been Suspended

"This is your official notification that the service(s)
listed below will be deactivated and deleted if not
renewed immediately.

Egg 6th March 2008
Account Update Alert

"Account Update Alert"

Wachovia 6th March 2008
Wachovia: New Certificates 2008


Egg 6th March 2008
Security Upgrade

"Egg Banking Plc has been receiving complaints from our
customers for unauthorised use of the Egg Online

eBay 6th March 2008
eBay New Unpaid Item Message from dg1nk:

"eBay New Unpaid Item Message from dg1nk:"

Bank of America 6th March 2008
Online Banking Alert!

"To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add to your
address book or safe sender list.

Nationwide 6th March 2008
Account Activity Suspended:Nationwide Building

"Account Activity Suspended."